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Life post KOMTEP

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Recent posts

Of Farewell

3 months had flown by so quickly. I felt like it was only last week that I was posted here. It's finally time to leave and go back to where I belong. Thank you Sahwa Elementary for being nice to me. And thank you MOE, KME, UNESCO and APCEIU for this once in a lifetime opportunity. No doubt that I'll miss my 89 days here. There are so much that I didn't get to do but it is nothing compared to what I've gained. Once again, from the bottom of my heart, 고맙습니다 # komtep2019

Of Final Message and School's slippers

Since today we weren't that busy at all, we decided to stay around during lunch and asked some of the kids to write any messages to us or to Malaysia on a piece of Mahjong paper. As usual, since there were two of us and there are a number of school's lobby, so we places ourselves at the 3rd and the 4th floor. At first the kids were a bit shy to do it, but once I told them that we're leaving tomorrow, they immediately grabbed the marker  pens and started to write something. Some even asked if they could write in Hangeul, so I told them that it's fine. You can expect now that I can't read any of the messages  🤣 😭 😭  But it's okay, at least I could see their eagerness of giving us messages to remember them by. And as for the slippers, I just found out a few weeks ago that the letters on the slippers means, "Sahwa Elementary School".  😅 😅  See, you could see that my progress is rather slow, Just when I'm about to get the hang of it, It's a...

Of Autograph

Today, when we entered the first class of our last First Graders, I literally had a heart attack! The kids had sooooo much sugar in their system  😭 😭  And I thought that it would be just the same with the other two classes. Luckily things only got better and better. The second class was great but the third class for the day was even better. Just like they said, "End it with a bang!" We, literally felt like an idol signing up authographs for the kids. It all started with one girl. She came and asked for my autograph at first, but I didn't understand it. And then, he went to my partner and only then I understood her  😅 😅 😅 And the dominos chain reaction started there and then  🤣 🤣 🤣   # komtep2019

Of Scissors

Today was our second last day at school. So, in the morning, as I walked passed by the Sixth Graders classes, I asked them to write messages to us or Malaysia in general. And then, around 12-ish, one of the boy, who was quiet close to me gave me his card and left. Then, he came back, but with a pair of scissors this time. And then he gave me the scissors, with my name written on it (misspelled). I thought of why he gave me such present and then he said, "Think of my name when you see this". His English name is Caesar, but I kept making fun of him by calling him Scissors. Hence he gave me a pair of scissors to remember him by  😅 😅   # komtep2019

Of Rock, Paper, Scissors

"가위 바위 보"! (가위 = scissors, 바위 = rock, 보 = paper) Growing up, I often used "Lat Ta Li Lat" instead of rock, paper, scissors. The Koreans however, have their own similar version of rock, paper, scissors commonly known as 가위 바위 보 or KAI BAI BO (pronounced as KAWI BAWI PO). The game is very simple. The players would turn their hands into a ball while chanting: "Kai, bai, bo!". Then, they'd put their hands out at exactly the same time in one of three signs: Kai (scissors), Bai (rock), Bo (paper). To choose "scissors", you put out the thumb and pointer finger imitating scissors. You make a fist for "rock". You put out a flat hand horizontal to the ground for "paper". So basically, - Rock (bai) beats Scissors (kai) - Scissors (kai) beats Paper (bo) - Paper (bo) beats Rock (bai) If both kids put out their hand as the same object, they have to replay the round. Whoever wins 2 out of 3 rounds wins. I remembe...