"가위 바위 보"! (가위 = scissors, 바위 = rock, 보 = paper) Growing up, I often used "Lat Ta Li Lat" instead of rock, paper, scissors. The Koreans however, have their own similar version of rock, paper, scissors commonly known as 가위 바위 보 or KAI BAI BO (pronounced as KAWI BAWI PO). The game is very simple. The players would turn their hands into a ball while chanting: "Kai, bai, bo!". Then, they'd put their hands out at exactly the same time in one of three signs: Kai (scissors), Bai (rock), Bo (paper). To choose "scissors", you put out the thumb and pointer finger imitating scissors. You make a fist for "rock". You put out a flat hand horizontal to the ground for "paper". So basically, - Rock (bai) beats Scissors (kai) - Scissors (kai) beats Paper (bo) - Paper (bo) beats Rock (bai) If both kids put out their hand as the same object, they have to replay the round. Whoever wins 2 out of 3 rounds wins. I remembe...
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