Teachers room are like haven for teachers. That's the one place where we can do our stuffs or even catching up with each other (by catching up, I mean, gossiping😆😆😆😆). Well, at least that's the situation in most of the Malaysian schools.
However, things are quite different here in Sahwa Elementary. There are no one big teachers room, but there are a few teachers rooms mainly for the grade teachers and subject teachers. Remember when I said that there are only homeroom teachers and subject teachers here? Well, the homeroom teachers offices are in their own classrooms however, there is one room specifically meant for each of the grades homeroom teachers. The room is equipped with photocopy machine, desktop, printer and stationery stocks. Sometimes, the homeroom teachers for each of the grades will gather in that room to discuss about their grade kids and even what materials to use. Awesome, right!
As for the English and Mandarin teachers, there's another room for them to stay and work. Just like the grade rooms, these room are equipped with all the basic necessities including fridge, air-conditioner and heater. Even the principal and vice principal have their own rooms! The principal's room is the biggest since it has a meeting table and guests chairs, while the vice principal shares his workspace with the other subject teachers (Science and Physical Ed). We've got to go to his room to use coloured photocopier too!
I did mention that the homeroom teachers do not teach English, Physical Ed and Science. However, the case isn't the same for the Grade One teachers. They are tasked to teach everything except for English (since they only learn English in the 3rd Grade). Can you imagine that? Being with a bunch of 7-8 year olds for a day? I think I should be more grateful with what's given to me now 😅😅😅😅😅
Oh by the way, you won't see any kids carrying their teachers' stuffs in and out of the teachers' room here. Do you know why? I'll let you think of that answer yourself 😬😬😬
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