For your information, Sahwa school does not celebrate as much festival at school. As a matter of fact, there's no teachers' day celebration as well. However, tomorrow is THE MOST anticipated day by all Sahwa kids. It's the day when they are going to put up a performance in front of their parents.
As for this year, only Grade 1-4 will be performing at they school gym, meanwhile Grade 5 and 6 will be performing in their own classes. Since this is once in a year event, both of the kids and the teachers a have been very busy this week. So much so that the teachers were given a pass to leave as early as 2p.m. yesterday to see the Chrysanthemum festival (which we skipped because I had Wayang Kulit practise with my kids). The show will start from 09:30 until 12:30 tomorrow. I am beyond delighted to see what each of the classes from each of the grades would be performing tomorrow. Better still, our mentor's class will be performing Ewa Bule; a simple Dikir Barat rendition which took us about less than 6 times of practise. Let's hope that it will be a fruitful one 🤞🏻🤞🏻😅
By the way, at around 2:40p.m. earlier, all of the school teachers and staffs were asked to help up with the gym set up for tomorrow. What amazed me the most was the way they store the flipped chairs inside a special hidden storage underneath the stage! #minimalist👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 #komtep2019
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